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Volcanoes in Human History Geography Book Report/Review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
Developments in volcanicity are ranged according to the magnitude and their major geological changes. The authors also present methods of dating used to approximate when these devastating volcanicity occurred. The intensity of a volcanic eruption is clearly are the causes of catastrophic losses and geological metamorphism.
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Whether Australia Is Part of Asia Geography Coursework
16 pages (3323 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Australia is a country that is officially referred to as the Commonwealth of Australia. It is geographically located in the southern hemisphere and it comprises the Australian continent mainland, smaller islands in the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean, and Tasmania Island. It is rated as a number in the countries with a large total area. 
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Rocks Classification to Age Geography Report
4 pages (1238 words) , Download 0 , Report
The magnitude of the earthquake and its potential impact can be established by investigating the nature of rock strata in its totality. This study can also be very helpful for engineers who construct the bridge as it will help in establishing the suitability of the site. Cross-sectional of the rock will help in giving more insights into the rock structure.
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Geology and Soil Mechanics Geography Essay
4 pages (1249 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The first kinds of rock that can be observed in Wales are the Burlington slate or Green slate. They can be observed at Cumbria. It belongs to the Ordovician geological age. Its geological unit can be classified as Borrowdale Volcanic Group. They form a bigger part of the Lake District especially the mountain areas.
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Changes and Developments in Urbanization Geography Essay
4 pages (1185 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It is usually specified in terms of the geographical area by combining both the urban and rural areas and comparing them with each other. Urbanization can be described in terms of the transformation of a place or an individual locality from a rural area to a more urban area. In more geographical terms, urbanization simply refers to the increase in spatial scale.
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Introduction to Oceanography Geography Assignment
4 pages (1175 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
One of the reasons why the “big island” of Hawaii is the largest is because under it lays the hot spot which feeds it with magma filling its active volcanoes Mauna and Kilauea. The Loihi volcano also forms magma which feeds the hot spot of the southeastern edge.
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Minerals and Metal Components Geography Assignment
4 pages (1308 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Ores are types of naturally existing rocks having minerals and metal components. It is also known as a metalliferous mineral, which means it is composed of metals and iron components, whose nature and form is largely dependent on the number of individual components forming it (Green & Basher, 2009 p 124). 
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Geographical Changes in American Cities Geography Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
After the World War 2, there was a rapid and dramatic change in the structures of American cities. The largely singular cities were transformed into small metropolitan regions characterized by small cities and suburbs. Besides, the American geography was also transformed due to a number of social, political, and economic forces.  
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Dvances Geographic Information Systems Geography Assignment
4 pages (1194 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Аdvаnсеd Gеоgrарhiс Infоrmаtiоn Systems" is a wonderful example of an assignment on geography. Using DEM one can extract contours and in this case, will extract the 50-meter contours. This will be done through the following procedure; A raster file is created to cover the data for mapping. A copy of the data file/raster file is made without changing the current file.
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Analysis Effects of Cover for Land Management in Central Australia in Works Kenna, Dickman Geography Article
4 pages (1292 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Analysis Effects of Cover for Land Management in Central Australia in Works Kenna, Dickman" is an outstanding example of an article on geography. This journal has two major objectives derived from the research questions. The first objective is to assess whether fear of crime and necessity for elevated security propel the residents towards the gated estates.
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North Korea: A Detailed Study Geography Case Study
10 pages (2690 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Prostitution and child marriages are very common in the country even though the North Korean government would deny accepting this fact. Contradictory to their claim, the Korean government engages in forced prostitution. It is also identified that many North Korean women willingly engage in prostitution to find a livelihood.
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Earth Science: The Ocean and Atmosphere Geography Assignment
5 pages (1614 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The continental shelf, the first depth level of approximately 0 – 150 meters adjacent to the continental masses of the land slopes gently towards the ocean from the coastline close to the passive margin. The shelf’s width usually increases as the sea level rises. In case the sea level falls below the normal level, the width of the shelf eventually decreases.
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Identifying the Earth Component Geography Assignment
5 pages (1644 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The primary raw material utilized in the construction of Wellington boots is rubber. Natural rubber is extracted from the rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) that is native to Brazil. The process of extracting the latex serum from the tree is a simple one. Veins carrying the latex are found just below the surface of the tree.
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San Francisco Earthquake Source Geography Essay
5 pages (1441 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The technology was advanced enough for photographs to be taken off the city after the earthquake had hit the city to showcase the visual evidence of the destruction that had taken place. Of these photographs, there are three main pieces of work that have stood out and require further analysis for a greater understanding of the historical importance and relevancy of each source.  
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Article Critique Geography Thesis Proposal
5 pages (1612 words) , Download 0 , Thesis Proposal
The impact of bushmeat hunting has been recognized as a grave threat to wildlife populations across West-Central Africa and degradation of forests and habitat loss is indirectly threatening the primate populations (Kumpel et al, 2008). Level of hunting and species vulnerability depending upon the hunter’s choice.
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Cool Little Capital -Canberra Geography Term Paper
5 pages (1498 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Cool Little Capital -Canberra" is an outstanding example of a case study on geography. Cool little capital is a title chosen to represent a small area that has all favorable conditions and required facilities for the well-being of its dwellers and visitors. These capitals are developed in terms of infrastructure, education centers, and security as well as tourists and visitors attraction sites.
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The Sub-Surface of the Planet: Observations vs Inferences Geography Coursework
5 pages (1448 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The earth’s surface is made up of several components, some of whose existence is merely theoretical. Most of the theories are derived from observations made by scientists which help them to come up with dependable inferences that describe those observations. There are two major categories of observations usually made to come up with specific theories.
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The Development of India Geography Essay
5 pages (1627 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Natural disasters are commonly termed as extreme events brought about by geophysical causes that affect an exposed and helpless society in ways that exceed the society’s coping capacity and calling for outside assistance. Natural disasters set up severe problems, especially in several developing nations where they frequently instigate high numbers of fatalities.
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Compressional Tectonics Issues Geography Essay
5 pages (1490 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The exterior forces include the forces that contribute to the changes in the structures of the earth such as the weathering of rocks, erosional processes, and transportation by the different media such as water, and wind and their deposition in various areas of the earth. Internal forces result from both thermal and gravitational volatility of the earth’s crust.
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Land Surveying Techniques Geography Coursework
5 pages (1411 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Surveying is the process of gathering and gathering information about the physical earth. It is the science through which relative positions of the already existing points are established. The methods of survey range from the simple use of conventional ground methods to the advanced systems like the aerial and the satellite systems.
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Dating Rocks Paleomagnetism Geography Essay
5 pages (1408 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Geologists can establish the age of rocks using a wide range of techniques. Relative dating techniques are utilized to tell a series of incidents and it is achieved using the principles of superposition, cross-cutting relationships, and original horizontality to reveal incidents that took place in rocks from the oldest to the youngest.
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Demographics and Climate of Brazil Geography Essay
5 pages (1314 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The carnival in Rio De Janeiro and Salvador is one of the most recognized festivals in the world that happens in February every year. Additionally, Sao Joao in Brazil is the longest Oktoberfest outside of Germany and has one of the biggest rodeos. Oly needs to check their calendar and search for what festival or event their visit coincides with.
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Al Ain City - Geography and Urban Planning Geography Case Study
14 pages (3633 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “Al Ain City - Geography and Urban Planning ” is a creative example of the geography case study. “Since the early 60s, most of Middle East countries have experienced a radical change in economic and social changes”. This not as a result of income generated from oil since the early days, but these governments have embraced political changes and economic modernization.
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Antarctica Should Remain a Natural Reserve Geography Essay
6 pages (1768 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The paper 'Antarctica Should Remain a Natural Reserve ' is a perfect example of a Geography Essay. Antarctica is a continent located in the south pole of the earth (Verheyen, 2005). The knowledge about the importance of Antarctica to the rest of the world began emerging from the mid-twentieth century (McGonigal, 2009).
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Evaluating Climate Change Impacts on Species Geography Literature review
7 pages (1966 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Additionally, natural causes such as changes in the earth’s orbit, the number of sunspots, and volcanic eruptions also contribute to changing the earth’s radiation balance. Scientists, however, report not to understand fully the recent climatic anomalies surrounding the medieval period (MWP) and the little ice age (LIA).
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Assessing Green Space in Manchester Geography Case Study
6 pages (1578 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
However, it is important that amidst these real estate developments, green spaces be developed as well especially because they have vast benefits regarding improved health, economic growth, and environmental conservation. Green spaces motivate people to engage in physical exercise which improves their health and they also help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide composition of the atmosphere.
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Delimiting the Central Business District Geography Case Study
6 pages (1582 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The aim is to determine the location of the Central Business District (CBD) on the island of Jersey, Channel Islands. Jersey is a small island (27.8 km x 14.5km) that has a population of 91,084 and is located between the North of France and the city of Portsmouth. The town of St. Helier is a perfect location to analyze and delimit the CBD.
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The Mystery of the Arabian Peninsula Geography Essay
13 pages (3357 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In summary, the AP plays a significant role in the economies of the world. It controls 25% of the world’s fossil fuels and controls the global market of its costs. The AP’s contribution to education, writing, and art reflect back to its ancient existence. Today it continues to be a factor in the policy and participation of the Western Countries.
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Growth Faults and Syndepostional Tectonics Geography Coursework
19 pages (4968 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
All three models result in different dip patterns, rate of growth of the anticline, and associated layer-parallel strains in the pre-growth sediments. In the case of overfill of growth sediments, limb dips in the growth sediments and layer-parallel strains (elongation) decrease upward to zero at the top of the growth sediments. 
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Geographical Characteristics of the Palm Desert Geography Coursework
6 pages (1669 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The plants' age is difficult to be determined as the plants do not possess the growth rings as real trees. It has been believed that the trees have lived more than 700 years of age.The Joshua tree has been found in the high desert, and they are supposed to be growing at elevations of more than 3000 feet. The only place this tree can be found or is supposed to grow is the Mojave Desert. 
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Perspectives of Tilapia Lake in Al-Ain Geography Case Study
19 pages (5704 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The eastern region has an area of about 13,100km2. Oman is located in the east while Dubai and Sharjah are in the north, Abu Dhabi is in the west while the Empty Quarter desert and Saudi Arabia is in the southern part. Topographically, Al-Ain is very unique and has variation as one travels towards the east. Jebel Hafeet is regarded as a monument in Al-Ain.
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Uneven Development Geography Report
6 pages (1714 words) , Download 0 , Report
Uneven development is a well-researched piece of work done by the Marxist geographers concerning the restructuring of the natural world by the capitalisms. The main concern of Neil smith in the study of uneven development is that capitalism has not only transformed people’s perception about the social relationship with nature but also the natural world in an unprincipled manner.
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Dangerous Thunderstorm Phenomenon Geography Term Paper
11 pages (2932 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Thunderstorms are formed from cumulonimbus clouds that are created after the convection, a process where heated moist air goes up to higher atmospheric levels. Three basic components are necessary for a thunderstorm to occur. These include unstable air that keeps on rising after being lifted, moisture, and a lifting mechanism.
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The Hazards and Levels of Risk Geography Report
9 pages (2649 words) , Download 0 , Report
As the dust moves into the atmosphere, it continues to shift towards the UK and other parts of Northern Europe. This can be attributed to the windy condition that commonly blows towards the Northern part of Europe and into the United Kingdom. The small ash particles from the eruption usually form a dark cloud in the atmosphere (Lilja, 2011).  
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The Origin and Age of the Pacific Islands Geography Report
13 pages (4043 words) , Download 0 , Report
The Pacific islands have developed as; linear strings of volcanic islands on top of each plate via mantle plume or through the propagation of atolls, fragments of continental crust, uplifted coral reefs, abducted sections of the bordering lithospheric plates, and islands emanating from subduction along convergent plate boundaries.
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The Psychogeography Issues Geography Essay
6 pages (1799 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The concept involves playfulness on the laws and impact of the geographical setting on individuals, specifically on emotions and behavior (Guy 1981; 5). The narrators in the two extracts seem to have engaged in traveling to an urban setting to make fun rather than to conduct a serious business. Notably, the descriptions they give in their narratives confirm the notion of psychogeography.
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The Great Barrier Reef Geography Case Study
11 pages (3072 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The world’s most significant and largest coral reef ecosystem is the Great Barrier Reef situated in Australia. It is the most crucial environment for sea life and tourism attraction in Australia and the whole of Queensland. Along the Australian north-east coast, this reef extends a distance of 2,300 km making it a natural wonder.
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Geographic Information System Geography Assignment
11 pages (2988 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
It becomes clear from this description that GIS is not a specific technology but a set of technologies that primarily yields geographically referenced information for various needs. Thus, it is clear also that three broad sets of technology are involved – 1. computer hardware, 2. computer software, and 3. geographic data-producing technologies.
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The Psychogeography Project Geography Essay
8 pages (2277 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Downtown Los Angeles has been identified as the dominant business district of the great Los Angeles and serves as a residential neighborhood of around 85000 individuals. The current research has also stated that the district has offered jobs to more than 500,000 people who have individually acquired jobs in the area.
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Description of the Salisbury Community Geography Report
12 pages (3401 words) , Download 0 , Report
The prevalence of obesity in Australia has been rising steadily for the last thirty years. The “National Children’s Nutrition and Physical Activity” Survey 2007 showed that nearly a quarter of Australian children are overweight or obese (National Preventative Health Taskforce, 2008). Around 600,000 children (a quarter of Australian Children) age 5-17 years were obese or overweight in 2007-2008, which was 4% point up from 1995.
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Life and Evolution of the Desert Geography Annotated Bibliography
6 pages (1648 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
For example, it has been mentioned that the desert is man-made. Moreover, the author insists that the desert is a part of nature and it exists not only on Earth but also on Mars. Moreover, a lack of sufficient rain has been identified as the main cause behind the emergence of deserts in different parts of the world.
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The Structure of Geology Museum Geography Report
8 pages (2114 words) , Download 0 , Report
The geologic history of British Columbia has over time and is still characterized by its location on the eastern edge of the Pacific Ocean. This was very much evident in the geologic maps that were on display in the museum. British Columbia has always had an active tectonic development on the same active basin of the Pacific Ocean.
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Tectonic Setting of the Devils Waterhole Geography Essay
6 pages (1818 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Devil’s Waterhole is found in the irregular terrain carved within the Valley Spring gneiss by the corresponding Spring Creek, which is approximated to be a billion years old. Valley Spring gneiss was formed from the corresponding remelted rhyolitic volcanic rocks, tuffaceous, and corresponding cash-flow tuffs sediments, which intensely bury them. 
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Future of Physical Geography Geography Essay
5 pages (1606 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The nearby bodies of water and the flow of their currents also affect it. Climate includes temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, rainfall, and particle count within the atmosphere.  Other meteorological factors make up the climate for a particular region and cause variations over some time.
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The Relationship between Geography and Culture along the Mississippi River Geography Report
5 pages (1338 words) , Download 0 , Report
Children from the families living by the river had always been amazed by its uniqueness and always dreamed of becoming steamboat pilots. The river’s drainage basin is excellent. It can cover a combination of England, Ireland, Wiles, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, France, Germany, Australia, Turkey, and Italy.
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Phoenix, the Urban Desert Geography Essay
6 pages (1776 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Phoenix, Arizona is a fast-growing city in the Sonora Desert. In only half a century, the city has been able to develop from a small desert town into the 6th largest in the US. Initially, the city started out as an agricultural center but slowly grew into an urban desert city with most of its inhabitants in its earlier years being of middle-class society.
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Principles of Good Practice in City Development Strategy Geography Essay
11 pages (3220 words) , Download 0 , Essay
 In a nutshell, Asia and European cities present unique cultural and architectural qualities, strong forces of social inclusion, and exceptional potentials for economic development. However, some of these cities suffer from demographics problems, social exclusion, and social insecurity on specific population groups amongst others.
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Evaluation of the Contribution of Marxist Thought in Geography Geography Coursework
5 pages (1346 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
In the study undertaken, the main aim is to be able to evaluate the contributions and effects of the Marxist principle to the development of geography as a discipline.  Based on the different concepts and notions that are presented, it can be considered that the Marxist view had an important impact on the development of geography as a discipline. 
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Global Digital Elevation Model Geography Essay
11 pages (3033 words) , Download 0 , Essay
DEM as an acronym stands for digital elevation model, which pertains to the digital model (3D representation) of a given terrain’s surface mainly utilized for scientific purposes. Thus, it is mainly focused on planet terrain that includes Earth, the Moon, or asteroids created with the main purpose of portraying a given terrain’s elevation data.
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The Notions of Hot Springs, Stalactites and Lahars Geography Assignment
6 pages (1880 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
This assignment also discusses a volcanic mudflow, or debris flow, which is a rapidly flowing mixture of rock debris and water which originates on the slopes of a volcano. Lahars vary in size and speed and resemble a mass of wet concrete that carries rock debris ranging from clay to large boulders. The direct impact of the lahar can crush or destroy everything in its’ path.
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